I am just an ordinary girl with great life adventure. My ship goes around the circle of life and I have a great great captain, Jesus Christ.I just want to take the most out of my life and inspire other people ^^

Monday, June 7, 2010

Updates :)

Yes, this blog post is dedicated to pay off all the times that I've been missing for not updating this blog so often. tons of things happened between the last post and today. The major event was my engagement and now I am in Indo already.

Yes, I am getting married soon. It will be on Jan 23rd, 2011. Who thought that I will get married at 2011? Not even me. But when God opens the door, nobody can close it.

Deddy decided to go back to Indo for good last November. He felt that being in Indo is his calling so that he can stay close to his parents. I was a little bit shocked, didn't expect that it will happen that soon. I didn't have any plan to go back to indo for good any soon at that time. at least it will be for another year in Seattle. I was so worry for I was doubting myself in keeping up with long distance relationship.

I went back to Indo with Deddy last Nov with 2 purpose. first, is to have vacation in Indonesia ( we've been planned it even before he decided to go back for good) and second, is to take him to Indo safely :). We ended up spending almost 5 weeks in Indo.

We spent the first three weeks for culinary vacation, went to a lot of places in Jakarta to have the foods that we've been wanting for so long and met old friends. Then we spend our fourth week to have a holiday with our own family. I went to bali with my parents and youngest sister and he went to Palembang.

Suddenly I got a phone call from Deddy ( He was still at Palembang) that he was thinking for us to get married and his parents also support his decision. His parents tried to find a good marriage date and according to chinese tradition, we got 2 dates. Shortly, we tried to look for a hotel for our wedding ceremony and we found a hotel on Jan 23rd, 2011. Soon after that, on December 27th, 2009, Deddy's family decided to come to my house and officially proposed me to be Deddy's wife.

I still can believe, the vacation trip that I made ended with an engagement while in the first place i thought i am sending him off to Indo and never know when we will meet each other after I go back to Seattle.

so I went back to Seattle on Jan 1st, 2010 and surpriseeeeeee, I went back with Deddy. He still got couple things to take care in Seattle and we were planning to have a pre-wedding photoshoot in Seattle to catch the memories that we had there. I will share it later :)


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